Saturday, November 01, 2008

Dillons Coupons!

I am so excited! After all of these years of carrying a Dillons card, I finally got some Dillons coupons in the mail. I had filled out the form at Dillons to update my no avail. I finally called them about a month ago and had them update my info over the phone. Here are the coupons I received from them today:

Free - One Tony's Frozen Pizza
Free - One Pepsi 2 liter
Free - One Pkg Sargento Shreds or Slices (any size)
Free - One Oscar Meyer Lunch Meet (8 oz - 16 oz)
$1/2 Sargento Shreds or Slices (3 oz or larger)
$1.50 off any Tide Detergent 100 oz or larger
.50 cents off any one Clorox Liquid Bleach - 82 oz larger
$1/2 Welch's Grape Jelly/Jam (32 oz or 22 oz)
$1 off any Tampax Pearl 36 ct or larger
.75 cents off any two Peter Pan Peanut Butter
$1 off any Bounty 8 roll or larger
$1 off any 2 Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
.50 cents off any one New York Toast Crouton Pkg
.50 cents off any one New York brand frozen garlic bread product
$1/1 any John Frieda Collection full size product
.55 cents any Weight Watchers cheese or cream cheese product

The only one I might not use is the Weight Watchers coupon. If I can get it on a good sale, I'll give it a try. But the rest of the products I buy on a regular basis (and by regular I mean I buy them on sale & w/coupons and stockpile them - including cheese which freezes very well). I LOVE Dillons!